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BZFlag Plug-ins for Dummies: Chapter 3

We've both made it to chapter 3; we should be proud. You, because you've made it this far. Me, because I've been able to write this on a weekly basis without missing a day thus far. Today, we'll be talking about slash commands. Don't worry, like always, we'll be going step by step.

Slash Commands Permalink to "Slash Commands" section

Registering custom slash commands is pretty easy once you've got the hang of things and understand what is going on. Once again, I'll be using my plug-in generator to take care of all the generation and set up.

Extending a Class Permalink to "Extending a Class" section

As mentioned in the first chapter, our plug-ins will always extend the bz_Plugin class but in order to implement slash commands, we must extend one more class: bz_CustomSlashCommandHandler.

Heads up! This is an opinionated approach where all the logic is in one class. You may wish to create a separate class dedicated to handling slash command logic but I prefer keeping things together so this chapter will keep things in one class.

By extending bz_CustomSlashCommandHandler, we're required to implement the following virtual function:

virtual bool SlashCommand (int playerID, bz_ApiString command, bz_ApiString /*message*/, bz_APIStringList *params);

Here's an explanation of each parameter:

  • playerID - The ID of the player who executed the slash command
  • command - The command that was executed (this is useful when you register more than one command)
  • message - The slash command and all of the parameters together as a string. This parameter is commented out in order to prevent compiler warnings of unused variables since message is rarely used. Notice carefully that only the variable name is commented out and not the data type.
  • params - A list of the parameters given to the command; parameters are split by spaces and respects quotes

Registering the Slash Command Permalink to "Registering the Slash Command" section

When coming up with your custom slash commands, there are few things that you should keep in mind:

  • Don't accidentally override existing slash commands
  • Slash commands names cannot have spaces
  • Keep your slash commands easy to remember

We must tell BZFS that we'll be creating a custom command so the server knows that when this custom command is executed, it is forwarded to our plug-in instead of having the server attempt to handle an unknown command. To register a custom slash command called "mycommand", we call the bz_registerCustomSlashCommand() function inside of our plug-in's Init() function. Remember, the Init() function is the first function called when a plug-in is loaded, so you must tell BZFS your custom commands when your plug-in is first loaded.

bz_registerCustomSlashCommand("mycommand", this);

The second argument to this function is a reference to the class handling the implementation of the slash command, so this refers to the current class we're in. If you'd like to separate the commands into a separate class, you would use a reference to that class instead.

Heads up! Since 2.4.4, custom slash commands can override existing commands meaning that we can override built-in server commands such as /kick or /ban; more on this later on.

Removing the Slash Command Permalink to "Removing the Slash Command" section

And when the plug-in is unloaded, we must tell BZFS that we'll be removing the slash command. Otherwise, the server will attempt to forward the command to a plug-in that is no longer loaded and that's just not nice. We need to call bz_removeCustomSlashCommand() the Cleanup() function, which is called when the plug-in is unloaded.


Implementing Commands Permalink to "Implementing Commands" section

The finally step to creating custom slash commands is implementing their behavior and what they do. We do this in the implementation of the virtual SlashCommand() function that we saw at the beginning of this chapter.

bool SAMPLE_PLUGIN::SlashCommand (int playerID, bz_ApiString command, bz_ApiString /*message*/, bz_APIStringList *params)
    if (command == "mycommand") // step 1
        bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "You ran the %s command.", command.c_str()); // step 2
        return true; // step 3

    return false; // step 4

Step 1 Permalink to "Step 1" section

The first step is to check which command got called. If your plug-in has multiple custom commands, you need to check that you're defining the behavior for the correct command and in this example, we're doing that with an if statement. Notice that command is a bz_ApiString so that means we can use the == operator for comparisons.

Step 2 Permalink to "Step 2" section

We send a message to the player who executed the command and tell them what command they ran.

Step 3 Permalink to "Step 3" section

Notice how SlashCommand()'s return type is a boolean? If a slash command's implementation returns true, then the BZFS will know that the command has been handled and doesn't need to do anything else. If this implementation returns false, then BZFS will attempt to take care of the implentation; this is especially useful for partially overriding built-in slash commands.

Step 4 Permalink to "Step 4" section

This return statement will typically never be reached unless you have not implemented your command so it's a good idea to return false so BZFS will throw an error of an unknown command.

Our Sample Plug-in Permalink to "Our Sample Plug-in" section

Here's what our final plug-in looks like.

#include "bzfsAPI.h"

class SAMPLE_PLUGIN : public bz_Plugin, public bz_CustomSlashCommandHandler
    virtual const char* Name ();
    virtual void Init (const char* config);
    virtual void Cleanup ();
    virtual void Event (bz_EventData* eventData) { return; };
    virtual bool SlashCommand (int playerID, bz_ApiString command, bz_ApiString /*message*/, bz_APIStringList *params);


const char* SAMPLE_PLUGIN::Name ()
    return "SAMPLE_PLUGIN";

void SAMPLE_PLUGIN::Init (const char* config)
    bz_registerCustomSlashCommand("mycommand", this);

void SAMPLE_PLUGIN::Cleanup ()


bool SAMPLE_PLUGIN::SlashCommand (int playerID, bz_ApiString command, bz_ApiString /*message*/, bz_APIStringList *params)
    if (command == "mycommand")
        bz_sendTextMessagef(BZ_SERVER, playerID, "You ran the %s command.", command.c_str());
        return true;

    return false;

Conclusion Permalink to "Conclusion" section

Was this chapter too short for you? Sorry about that, it's not laziness I swear! I did not want this chapter to be overwhelming with a lot of information. Stay tuned for next week's chapter where we'll be learning about slash command parameters and stateful data.

On Your Own Permalink to "On Your Own" section

Exploring the list of API functions, create commands to match the following scenarios:

  • A slash command that will double your current score. Hint: bz_incrementPlayerWins()
  • A slash command that will return the current flag that you're carrying
bzflag, plugins, development